Gamertag: ATC Guardian
Time Zone: Eastern
OOS: 18F
Platforms: PC
Favorite Games: ARMA 3 and Star Citizen (Multiplayer), Elder Scrolls Series (Single Player)

About Me:
Was raised in a Christian family and in church, started learning computers and all things technology/gadget related at a super young age. Started out playing computer games on the old Windows 95 OS, and then grew to consoles like SNES, N64, PlayStation 1 & 2, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One. Still enjoy PC as my go to device (PC Master Race!). I enjoy almost all games, favorites being tactical shooters, RPGs, and adventure games. I’m a professional web developer and also try to put content up on my YouTube channel and Twitch streaming channel on the side as a hobby (I play games all the time anyhow, might as well share my experiences and videos online). I’m also a Reserve Officer for my local department. I love my dog, Abby and if you follow me on Instagram you can check her out and all of our adventures!

Favorite Quote: “It is finished” -Jesus