Gamertag: ATC Kai
Time Zone: Eastern
Platform: PC
Favorite Games: Arma 3, RPGs, RTS, and Star Citizen

About Me:
Grew up in a Christian home. Always knew the Lord, but later understood what it meant to be His son. I love family, fellowship, food and Arma…lol. Played video games early childhood into late teen, but got caught up in life. What I love about ATC… At first I loved the fact we were like minded in faith. A safe place for my family to play games online. One my favorite moments was when we were playing “the escape mod” and an “old man” was ministering to another play. Never really saw that in some large Christian guilds. Going beyond just playing… with a “voice”…caring about a soul other than game time.

Favorite Quote: “Abba Father”